Your restaurant just a click away!ANM22 Food is the application that allows you to manage your restaurant, be it a simple beach kiosk, a bar, a take-away pizzeria or a large restaurant.1. MANAGE CASH POINTSYou can manage the cash points in your facility, connect a fiscal printer and manage electronic billing from a single location, even from a tablet.2. TABLES MAPMonitor your rooms and collect orders using your Android device as a handheld for waiters.3. PRINTING IN THE KITCHENTo optimize the management of the room, install printers in the various workstations in the kitchen, so you will reduce errors during the service.4. SELF SERVICE ORDERYour customers can order from their smartphone or tablet. You can activate this service both for customers at the table, but also for take-away or home delivery. On the beaches that use YourBeach, lunch also arrives under an umbrella!Contact us to activate your license and upload the Food Manager app!Find out more about the Food world: